SEO is a simple way to market your business effectively. Nowadays marketing is done mostly through the web, which is giving great results for the companies.

SEO means Search Engine Optimization. By this, we can increase the traffic of the site and eventually increase the popularity of the products to grow the business.

Improving Search Engine Ranking through SEO:

Four common factors which influence search engine rankings, that can be managed as part of an SEO strategy:

  1. On-page optimization
  2. External linking or off-site optimization
  3. Internal link structures
  4. User behaviour signals

On-page Optimization

The most basic test of relevance by the search engine is the number of times the phrase appears on the page. Google goes far beyond the number of times a term appears on a page and examines all aspects of the page’s content (and the content of the pages linking to it) to determine if it is a good match for your query. These other factors include :

  • Frequency
  • Occurrence in heading <h1>, <h2>
  • Occurrence in anchor text of hyperlinks
  • Markup such as bold
  • Density (the number of times)
  • Proximity of phrase to start of document and the gap between individual keywords
  • Alt image text
  • Document meta data
    • Alt image text – graphical images can have hidden text associated with them that is not seen by the user but will be seen and indexed by the search engine. Due to search engine spamming, this factor has limited relevance
    • Document meta data – the three most important types of meta data are:
      • the document <title> tag
      • the document ‘descriptions’ meta tag
      • the document ‘keywords’ meta tag

Universal or Blended Search

Videos, images and social media mentions are all important too,  think about how you look in the universal or blended search listings. Search is becoming more visual,  make sure you gain visibility within images, maps and video according to which will work best for your market. Blended search is market and phrase specific depending on how Google assesses the relevance of universal content for the query. -External linking: boosting external links is vital to your SEO efforts

Eleven options for creating more quality links:

  1. Linkbait creating
  2. PR and marketing campaign integration
  3. Blogging, guest blogging and blogger outreach
  4. Backlinking between company-owned and partner sites
  5. Press release distribution
  6. Video marketing
  7. Article syndication
  8. Social network participation
  9. Forum SEO
  10. Social bookmarking
  11. Directory submissions

Internal Link Structures

Many of the principles of external link building can also be applied on your own sites. This is often a missed opportunity;  since here you have the benefit of controlling the linking, although the impact will be less than from links from external sites. The most important principle is to include key phrases used by searchers within the anchor text of a hyperlink to point to relevant content.  It’s also important to consider how you can increase the number of interlinks that can work better than a simple hierarchy.

Internal Link Building Checklist

  1. Links from standard navigation – most effective if text-based rather than image menus. As well as the main navigation categories, conventionally placed across the masthead, providing more navigation links within the left or right sidebars can help with indication search engines of theme pages.
  2. Links from document listing – including publishing search results or lists of new items.
  3. Links from ancillary navigation – these can be varied in different site sections e.g page footers.
  4. Sitemaps – Google recommends creating these, they are most effective if broken down into different categories which are themed on a specific topic.
  5. Body topic – these ‘editorial links’ are important since Google now evaluates them as more important than ‘run of site’ links.
  6. Image links.


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Keyword research is when people use keywords to find and research actual search terms that people enter into search engines. The knowledge about these actual search terms can help inform content strategy or marketing strategy overall.

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